Thursday, April 30, 2009
Plans are confirmed and I got woken up today to go down for an interview(for a job I applied at like 2am) so they are really efficient I must say! But still contemplating.
Had pizza for lunch+dinner,really full now. And Im gonna paint my nails on my other hand hot pink! (:
So excited! And yay, I can now finally watch Gossip Girl.
P.S : Darl wake upppppppppppppppppppppp!!
What a mess.
Look,messy messy! table and floor. Horrible mess.Im glad it's all over! I had so much trouble finding stuff under all that mess. Like my black cloth tape. Been looking for it for a good 15 mins and then I gave up. 5 mins later, I see it next to my right hand. Wtf? Super crazy.
And I knocked my tall cup down TWICE! Once on my table and the other on my floor.Ughhh. Been snacking on Oreos and mamee! hahaha
I just ate a few cubes of dark chocolate.Gonna shower,get a mask done,and watch gossip girl! Life is goooooooooooooood. (:
Never greet anyone by the name of Jack at the airport.
"Hi Jack!"
Hahahaha. Saw this off the web.
"Hi Jack!"
Hahahaha. Saw this off the web.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Yet Another Cut.
This time,only deeper and more blood. Definitely more blood. So I sliced my flesh on my middle finger this morning too sleepy perhaps? Yes, it was horribly painful and the blood didnt stop.
Just when my other cut healed and now a fresh new one! And I also have a bruise on my leg which I dont remember getting.
Just when my other cut healed and now a fresh new one! And I also have a bruise on my leg which I dont remember getting.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Im getting my favourite burger from Carl's Jr! (: Bring on the carbs!!
YAY?Idk I have mixed feelings about this. Im so scared. Results soon and my headgear got chosen for the school's official opening! So crappy I saw my table and there was a piece of paper: 'Congratulations! You're selected! ' I thought I got in already hmm-.- Anyhows,either way its still good news although I'd prefer the latter(:
I left house at 7,picked Celest and reached school early! Set up our tables,done,went home and fell right asleep. Woke up a little pass 3,watched a wee bit of tv,showered abd back to school again to collect our stuff. Cabbed back and the fare was ridiculous.Luckily we shared cab again! Stupid sch is in CBD area and it was afer 5.Sigh, did I mention that I totally forgot about my Wonderself piece? ):
So this leaves a very very broke and tired me. Gonna snack on something I have ate any meals today yet! ):
Im getting my favourite burger from Carl's Jr! (: Bring on the carbs!!
YAY?Idk I have mixed feelings about this. Im so scared. Results soon and my headgear got chosen for the school's official opening! So crappy I saw my table and there was a piece of paper: 'Congratulations! You're selected! ' I thought I got in already hmm-.- Anyhows,either way its still good news although I'd prefer the latter(:
I left house at 7,picked Celest and reached school early! Set up our tables,done,went home and fell right asleep. Woke up a little pass 3,watched a wee bit of tv,showered abd back to school again to collect our stuff. Cabbed back and the fare was ridiculous.Luckily we shared cab again! Stupid sch is in CBD area and it was afer 5.Sigh, did I mention that I totally forgot about my Wonderself piece? ):
So this leaves a very very broke and tired me. Gonna snack on something I have ate any meals today yet! ):
Monday, April 27, 2009
Packing and Labelling.
I was so tired I came back,set my alarm and fell right asleep,woke up an hour later and feeling so limp and lethargic. But so energised now! No sleep tonight,work all the way!
I blew almost 40 bucks on printing today.Spent like almost a hundred on materials and printing alone for assessment. ):
Gonna wrap up my DF and start on DD and labelling all my other sketchbooks. And oh ya, lingering writing for I.S and CCS.
P.S: Should I watch Desperate Housewives tonight? Hehehe.
Ok,srsly stoned @ 4:28am. What happened to me being awake at this time! I need to splash some water on my face. Nways,I've been staying up this past week all by myself! No redbull or coffee. But tmr im gonna buy redbull,the blue one. (:
Im such a klutz. I knocked my cup of water down. Luckily it was just water.And my works didn't kena. THANK GOODNESS! And my reaction damn slow. Luckily I saved my BBB (:
Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy. Im bored. Gonna read fml till 5 and then start work again.
Im such a klutz. I knocked my cup of water down. Luckily it was just water.And my works didn't kena. THANK GOODNESS! And my reaction damn slow. Luckily I saved my BBB (:
Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy. Im bored. Gonna read fml till 5 and then start work again.
Stay Awake!
I need to go print all my stuff tomorrow. Am so tired.Wanna go there and come back again chop chop. So many things to complete and its already Mon morning.Am screwed. No sleep for me tmr!Its better nways, so I know I won't oversleep. I have to leave the house at 7am, go and pick Celest up, beat the traffic and reach school hopefully by 8am. Or should I leave earlier? So many things to carry how can we possibly carry all the stuff from the carpark to the basement?? :/
Im gonna spend a bomb again tmr!And I need to buy more mounting boards. Trying to think what else I have to get at Art Friend. Dammit I'm so sleepy now!! Give me till 4ish and I'll be all awake!
I have ZERO ideas for DF now. Stupid collage. I can't even just use mag cut-outs and just paste,I have to EXPLORE different techniques and all that shizz my brain is fried!
I should leave it at that and finish my lingering writing and ccs notebook.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Went to bed at 6ish,didn't fall asleep till like 7ish,heard the birds and the skies slowly growing lighter. I was so tired in between,it always suck when Im dead tired and just wanna fall asleep str8 away that I cant sleep. So annoying!
And I woke up at 12. Not enough sleep! ): I need to buy red bull. The silver/blue one.Caus it's gassy and the only one drinkable. I can't drink the other copper can type,its sooooo sweet!I guess thats what keeps you awake then, woo sugar rush!
Ok,spent the entire moment since waking up doing a page off my fashion folder and then photoshop non-stop!! Been staring at this screen since then. My eyes are hurting!!!Can't wait to be done with this and get started on my sketches for fashion!! Im not gonna do Illustrator for it,gonna sketch in pen instead. I simply suck at computer stuff,I know no shit. Esp Illustrator!

I love photography!
Later !
And I woke up at 12. Not enough sleep! ): I need to buy red bull. The silver/blue one.Caus it's gassy and the only one drinkable. I can't drink the other copper can type,its sooooo sweet!I guess thats what keeps you awake then, woo sugar rush!
Ok,spent the entire moment since waking up doing a page off my fashion folder and then photoshop non-stop!! Been staring at this screen since then. My eyes are hurting!!!Can't wait to be done with this and get started on my sketches for fashion!! Im not gonna do Illustrator for it,gonna sketch in pen instead. I simply suck at computer stuff,I know no shit. Esp Illustrator!

I love photography!
Later !
Home Alone..
Im the only one at home now!Im my own room.Im scared!Hahaha.
Im not even listening to music ok,I shall load iTunes now,but thank god im talking to darl now! :D
Im not even listening to music ok,I shall load iTunes now,but thank god im talking to darl now! :D
Have A Good One!
Im broke for a pressie,but I still love you! hahaha,buy me more clothes!!!
Im broke for a pressie,but I still love you! hahaha,buy me more clothes!!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
I just cut my finger with my penknife!! Ugh.
Nways, why do I still feel so stuffy and hot even tho the air-condtioning is on and at full blast?
Sucky sucky sucky.
Finally finished my necklace for 2D plus packaging all. Fashion Packaging as well! But the sketchbook part still needs more.

Im going to buy more double-sided tape yay! Hmm, I think I should buy 6 more. At the rate Im using them..6 it is! hahaha
Im so hungry I didn't eat my lunch ): When I get back im goin to edit my pictures,do the layout and save for printing! That'll be my to-do list when I get back. Oh! And research for photography,yikes havent started on this one yet!! Im goin to send it all for printing on Monday. Damn fast print,another money eating place! God knows how much I will spend to get all my printing done >:
Ok,gotta bathe and chop chop get my double sided tape!
Later alligators!
Nways, why do I still feel so stuffy and hot even tho the air-condtioning is on and at full blast?
Sucky sucky sucky.
Finally finished my necklace for 2D plus packaging all. Fashion Packaging as well! But the sketchbook part still needs more.

Im going to buy more double-sided tape yay! Hmm, I think I should buy 6 more. At the rate Im using them..6 it is! hahaha
Im so hungry I didn't eat my lunch ): When I get back im goin to edit my pictures,do the layout and save for printing! That'll be my to-do list when I get back. Oh! And research for photography,yikes havent started on this one yet!! Im goin to send it all for printing on Monday. Damn fast print,another money eating place! God knows how much I will spend to get all my printing done >:
Ok,gotta bathe and chop chop get my double sided tape!
Later alligators!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Im gone, you're still there..
I just finished wrapping up the fabric onto the bead! Just got a brilliant idea for the necklace.. (:
Lots to do and behind schedule, its gonna be Friday in a couple of hours time.
Le Sigh.

This is what I face everyday.Its so messy! I will just leave it like that when I go to bed because I know a few hours later when I wake up,it'll still be the same mess.

Lots to do and behind schedule, its gonna be Friday in a couple of hours time.
Le Sigh.

This is what I face everyday.Its so messy! I will just leave it like that when I go to bed because I know a few hours later when I wake up,it'll still be the same mess.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Art Supplies
I just used up another roll of double sided tape.I bought four today. One gone.. Shit,should have gotten six instead.
If I have to count how much I spent on art supplies and printing my presentation boards and mood boards, it would fucking kill me. Couple of hundreds maybe? Stupid Art Friend,profit from us only.I wonder who is the founder of Art Friend,must be one sick rich fella!
Nways,Art Friend sucks even tho it is just opp school.Things are always running oos at the most crucial timings like when you need it the most.And things are fucking ex there.And most of the stuff you can't find it in Pops or elsewhere. Its convenient but ex.
Can't imagine Level 1,even more mood boards and art materials. It only gets higher.

Fabric paint! Gonna do 2D tomorrow!Prints prints prints.
If I have to count how much I spent on art supplies and printing my presentation boards and mood boards, it would fucking kill me. Couple of hundreds maybe? Stupid Art Friend,profit from us only.I wonder who is the founder of Art Friend,must be one sick rich fella!
Nways,Art Friend sucks even tho it is just opp school.Things are always running oos at the most crucial timings like when you need it the most.And things are fucking ex there.And most of the stuff you can't find it in Pops or elsewhere. Its convenient but ex.
Can't imagine Level 1,even more mood boards and art materials. It only gets higher.

Fabric paint! Gonna do 2D tomorrow!Prints prints prints.
art friend,
art materials,
double-sided tape,
fabric paint
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Im losing a lot of blood.My nose bleeds a tad too frequently these days and my period..
Nways, currently on repeat: The Climb-Miley Cyrus. wtf right,I know.
Nways, currently on repeat: The Climb-Miley Cyrus. wtf right,I know.
I am just having really horrible cramps right now.Past few months been like this!
At the wrong timing too. Popped a panadol. We'll see how it goes,but it usually just stays for a day or 2. Never longer.Cross my fingers that it'll be the same this time around.
Boo,I should ditch work and sleep now.
At the wrong timing too. Popped a panadol. We'll see how it goes,but it usually just stays for a day or 2. Never longer.Cross my fingers that it'll be the same this time around.
Boo,I should ditch work and sleep now.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I feel so icky+sticky.So hot and humid!! I will not,repeat,will not! step out of the house due to the heat. I shall only go out at night. Like I bathed and all,once I step out,I just perspire like mad and my makeup is ruined.And it wont feel like I just had a bath anymore ):
Ok,I shall use this to keep myself at home for the next 8 torturous days for work. Mean it!
Idk why, I feel like I've been eating a lot for the past few days. Just had a really filling dinner,felt like all the buttons were gonna burst out.
Cant wait to start running again!! OH WAIT. Since when did I ever started "running"? Only when I feel like it! Ok, fine, I shall start swimming again! Yay,and then i can get tan!Only with ugly swimming costume tan lines ugh. And jogging! Maybe on alternate days.
Ok,I shall use this to keep myself at home for the next 8 torturous days for work. Mean it!
Idk why, I feel like I've been eating a lot for the past few days. Just had a really filling dinner,felt like all the buttons were gonna burst out.
Cant wait to start running again!! OH WAIT. Since when did I ever started "running"? Only when I feel like it! Ok, fine, I shall start swimming again! Yay,and then i can get tan!Only with ugly swimming costume tan lines ugh. And jogging! Maybe on alternate days.
2D-Poetry Collection:Buy cream coloured cloth from Chinatown
Get fabric paint back from Celest.
Make cover for streetlight and mark making mounting boards
Misc. Stuff to touch up
3D-Sandwich: Let materials dry in time for assessment!!!
Either paste on mounting board or find a box for it.
DD&DF: Drawings drawings colouring collage and mahjong paper drawings
Workshop stuff : Photoshop( Sketchbook+ file)
Sketchup(Do sketchbook..omg not done since sem 1! And print Spongebob frm
Printmaking( A3 file+sketchbook attached at the back!)
Illustrator(Final Piece+Sketchbook)
Photography( Sketchbook+Negative films and processed A4 picture+Pos&Neg
Fashion: (A3 file+Denim)
All by 27th.8 more days...
2D-Poetry Collection:Buy cream coloured cloth from Chinatown
Get fabric paint back from Celest.
Make cover for streetlight and mark making mounting boards
Misc. Stuff to touch up
3D-Sandwich: Let materials dry in time for assessment!!!
Either paste on mounting board or find a box for it.
DD&DF: Drawings drawings colouring collage and mahjong paper drawings
Workshop stuff : Photoshop( Sketchbook+ file)
Sketchup(Do sketchbook..omg not done since sem 1! And print Spongebob frm
Printmaking( A3 file+sketchbook attached at the back!)
Illustrator(Final Piece+Sketchbook)
Photography( Sketchbook+Negative films and processed A4 picture+Pos&Neg
Fashion: (A3 file+Denim)
All by 27th.8 more days...
how now brown cow? :o
Assessment is coming. I have less than 2 weeks. More work than I can imagine. One drawing+colouring takes a few hrs and I have loads to complete. Thats for DD&DF. 2D,3D and photography sketchbook.Oh, and CCS notebook too.That is pratically empty caus of skipping lectures.
Such a killer. 3 nights b4 assessment without sleep and sleeping for an entire day after assessment? Absolute.killer.
Not to mention I have to cab to school with all my artworks.
1) Idk if the cab can fit all my stuff
2) How in the world am I suppose to carry it all by myself? Like from my house to the cab and cab to sch?
AND. I still have to take back my stuff on that day itself after grading.
Such a killer. 3 nights b4 assessment without sleep and sleeping for an entire day after assessment? Absolute.killer.
Not to mention I have to cab to school with all my artworks.
1) Idk if the cab can fit all my stuff
2) How in the world am I suppose to carry it all by myself? Like from my house to the cab and cab to sch?
AND. I still have to take back my stuff on that day itself after grading.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sore Eyes.
Acute allergic conjunctivitis is typically itchy, sometimes distressingly so, and often involves some lid swelling. Chronic allergy often causes just itch or irritation.
Viral conjunctivitis is often associated with an infection of the upper respiratory tract, a common cold, and/or a sore throat. Its symptoms include watery discharge and variable itch. The infection usually begins with one eye, but may spread easily to the other. -Via wiki.
I think I have either one of them,or both. Conjunctivitis fo sure. Damn,it's so itchy!The pics on wiki were so disturbing,but no my eyes are not THAT bad.
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